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The Mary Marantz Show

Sep 26, 2023

Do you ever feel like you missed your shot? Like somewhere along the way you took the wrong turn or missed an opportunity that couldn’t be corrected? 

In many ways, Willie and Korie Robertson’s story should have been finished before it even started. 

Willie’s father, Phil, was in the throes of mental health...

Sep 19, 2023

How did I get here? 

Why does this keep happening to me? 

For Anh Lin, broken relationships and deferred dreams had become expected. It was easier to anticipate the loss than to give herself to the possibility that she might experience the peace and stability she longed for. 

With a limited budget and unlimited...

Sep 12, 2023

Are you worn down from carrying the wounds of your past? Do you feel like part of your story disqualifies you from the life and wholeness you long for?

I know I am loved by God, but….

  • What about my past? 
  • What about my mistakes?
  • What about my brokenness?

Sound familiar?

Growing up in generational trauma, Cassandra...

Sep 5, 2023

Are you preoccupied with the pursuit of your next goal? Do you feel a sense of urgency to be further along in your journey than you are? 

With an art degree in hand, today’s guest had dreams she longed to see come true. But as life often does, her course changed and she resolved that it’s fullest form would be...