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The Mary Marantz Show

Nov 1, 2022

What do you actually believe about God? About His character? His remembrance? His Being?

A.W. Tozer famously said that what comes to our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about you. This episode of the Mary Marantz show dives straight to the heart of this ever present statement:

How what we believe about God informs everything else about us. 

Mary is sitting down with author and speaker, Alexandra Hoover, as the two dive into this topic through the lens of Alexandra’s newest book, “Look Up.” 

Alexandra talks about three kinds of stones, ways in which we can form a healthy and accurate view of God: 

  1. Stones of remembrance 
  2. Starting stones 
  3. Stones of knowledge 

Tune in to this intellectual and entertaining episode to learn more about the depths of each of these views and how YOU can live from a place of God’s love.


Follow Alexandra on instagram: @alexandravhoover 

And snag her book at: