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The Mary Marantz Show

Sep 19, 2019

Have you ever approached time with God wondering if you’re doing it ‘right’? Somehow it’s just turned into something on your to-do list, like mowing the lawn, and you’re wondering if there is more to be revealed? Or maybe you’ve wondered why some prayers aren’t answered, and don’t know how to turn to the Bible for resolve and peace. 


It can be daunting to look at the 66 books of the Bible, words written thousands of years ago, and wonder where and how to start. And finding God in the midst of trauma and unanswered prayers can cause even the most well-versed Christian to re-examine their faith.


Friend, if this is you, you’re not alone. Join Mary as she invites author, graphic designer, children’s photographer, and miracle mom, Jane Johnson, to take us on her journey of how establishing a habit of fruitful quiet time has enriched her relationship with God and helped her conquer some of life’s major hurdles.


Listen in as Jane courageously gives us a peek into some of the darkest moments in her life, how her quiet time with God played a huge role in keeping her “beside still waters,” practical tips on how to begin engaging with the Bible, and how to make the most of a simple 15 minutes with the Word of God. 


Quiet time doesn’t have to be just another daily task. It can grow into a daily moment of expectation to discover something new about the God we love and serve. Here’s your gentle invitation to rediscover a love for and dependency on the Living Word of God like never before. He has something waiting specifically for YOU.


For more information on Jane Johnson, check out her website and Instagram! 



Other resources mentioned: Blue Letter Bible App, Search the Scriptures by Alan M. Stibbs