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The Mary Marantz Show

Feb 18, 2020

Ready to start sharing more of your story in your business, in your platform, or simply with your friends and neighbors? But somehow, you always talk yourself out of it? There can be so many negative narratives that we tell ourselves like, 'My story isn't as important as I think,' 'I bet all the critics will come out', or how about, 'I don't even know where to start because there is so much overwhelm.'

If this is you, this episode is going to speak right to your heart! Get ready to learn what to share, when to share, and how to incorporate your story more in your everyday life.

Tune in as Mary invites on author, Certified Business Coach, and Ramsey personality, Christy Wright as they dive into how to dismiss, control, and take your thoughts captive so you can make way to share your story with those who need it most. You'll learn how to move past unhealthy expectations in a relationship, why your story doesn't disqualify you but is actually the reason people will buy from you, and why people will be impressed by your success, but will connect with your weakness. 

If you know you have a story, and you've been holding back from sharing, get ready to knock out the fear and step into your impact.


Check out Christy on Instagram!